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It was pouring. They cancelled the picnic.

reason → expected result

Since it was pouring, they cancelled the picnic.

They cancelled the picnic because it was pouring.

there's no comma in front of a subordinate clause

Due to the heavy rain, they cancelled the picnic.

It was pouring, so they cancelled the picnic.

public transport – phones should be banned

homework – text about banning smoking, answer questions

It was pouring. They held the picnic.

Though it was pouring, they held the picnic.

though, although, even though (the only difference is in the stress)

In spite of the downpour, they held the picnic.

in spite of, despite, regardless of

It was pouring, but they held the picnic (anyway).

Alaska is cold. Florida is hot.

trams vs. buses


hazy memory, day; hazy = unclear (noun: haze)

lake can be cloudy, murky

hw: say it's good/bad, make some notes (about the article), add more arguments (for or against) + maths homework, 27–30 triangles (in the book)

transitive × intransitive

the smoking ban


On finding the elevator broken, he decided to walk.

I dislike you but I'm offering you the job.



I had just came in when it started to rain.

inversion – used to ask questions


If he comes, we'll leave. – first conditional


Tuition might be instituted at the Czech universities next year.


tuition pros

tuition cons


Martin wishes (that) he was/were at home, but he isn't.

I wish he would call me.

would 1. makes it less likely or 2. pushes it into the future (or both)



unit 3 – pages 37–39 (circles)



I wish those floods hadn't had happen. If there hadn't been those terrible floods, they wouldn't have destroyed that many houses.

alternative: I wish there hadn't been floods. If there hadn't, it would be nice.

I wish I had been born elsewhere. If I had been born in Ostrava, I could have met some interesting people there.

If the radio hadn't been invented


I went to a church once, there was a lingering smell of incense. I saw a guy standing near the entrance to the cathedral. He seemed really nice, and I fell for his wispy hair, so I ran the risk and asked him out for a date. And much as I know it was successful, because now we have two kids.

should be: And as far as I know…

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