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Advanced English

Advanced English

animal phrasal verbs

Aesop's Fables


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heagle's natural habitat

When I stepped foot in the streets of Los Angeles for the first time, I was petrified by the scene. I saw junkies riding heagles all around the place. The poor animals had to leave their original habitat due to the lack of food and this place became their new home. Now, they are used by the omnipresent drug adicts as a mean of transport and they feed on fentanyl. It is rather dangerous to approach them as their beak is a powerful weapon.

word transformation


heagle marketing

bear under

underbear – a wrong word (or very archaic)

yay × nay


ržát – neigh

gentle neight – whinny, nicker

fable about heagle

Once upon a time, there were a horse and an eagle which agains all odds really loved each other. A child came from their love, hence heagle was born. However, it was not popular among eagles nor horses as it didn't ressemble any of them. Thus it didn't really belong anywhere and it was devastated. One day, there was a big fire. The eagles flew away into safety. The horses managed to survive the fire but all the grass burnt down. Thenceforth the horses started to die one by one. But not the heagle, it feasted on their flesh.

is global warming caused by people?

reported speech



infer – vyvodit (z dat)

take one of these statements and apply it to matfyz and explain why it is true

or make up our own

It's often better to be in chains than to be free.

Kofola society

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