# Advanced English - animal phrasal verbs - to dog someone … to judge or criticize someone for something, to persistently bother someone - to duck … to get down in order to dodge something (you can also dodge a question or something) - to squirrel away … to save something for future use - to be dogged \[ˈdɒgɪd\] … to be marked by stubborn determination - to hound someone … to persistently harass someone - to ape someone / someone's behaviour … to imitate someone in a clumsy/mocking way - to slug someone, slug it out … to strike someone heavily - to chicken out - to wolf down - to rat on someone / to rat someone out - to be cowed - to bug someone … to annoy someone - Aesop's Fables - Πυθαγόρας → a bonus point on a test - to establish … to prove, to show something is true - to hold … to state - to style … to portray, to try to look like - thence = thenceforth - henceforth … from now on - thenceforth … from that point on (from then on) - to centre … to focus on - to be derived from … to come from - questions - what's the moral - do you agree with the moral - does the story make sense - was the animal choice logical - how would the animals react to them being involved there - retell the story - heagle - to heagle (v., intransitive) = to panic around, to panic and run around like a blue-arsed fly, to be in a state of confusion and run around because of that - You're heagling around! - Susan was very confused and started to heagle. - There's no need to heagle! - Heagle! at the Disco - more verbs - dread: dislike (ing), dread to think… / dread to imagine… (to do) - see + obj.: part of the process (ing), the whole process (do) - forget = don't remember; memory (ing), not remember (to do) - hate: dislike (ing), statement (to do; I hate to tell you…) - heagle's natural habitat - When I stepped foot in the streets of Los Angeles for the first time, I was petrified by the scene. I saw junkies riding heagles all around the place. The poor animals had to leave their original habitat due to the lack of food and this place became their new home. Now, they are used by the omnipresent drug adicts as a mean of transport and they feed on fentanyl. It is rather dangerous to approach them as their beak is a powerful weapon. - word transformation - spectacle - spectacles - spectacular - spectator - action - reaction, interaction - to act - to overact - inaction - active - activity - appear - disappear - reappear - appearance - apparent - king - kingpin - kingfisher (ledňáček) - kingdom - kingslayer - kingly - similar - dissimilar - dissimilarity - similarity - play - playful - gameplay - replay - player - playground - playback - to outplay - supreme - supremacy - supremely - like - likelihood, likeliness - likely - alike - likeminded - dislike - unlike - take a liking - grammar - as … as - as much as - as many as - as … as possible - as … as ever - well-under - well-over - virtually all - a tiny minority - a large majority - heagle marketing - as big as a horse - as american as an eagle - as quick as a cheetah - as friendly as Pikatchu - as cute as a puppy - as protective as a pitbull - bear under - underbear – a wrong word (or very archaic) - entrant – enters a competition - captivate someone's attention - yay × nay - naysayer - ržát – neigh - gentle neight – whinny, nicker - fit to be tied – angry - amble – walk aimlessly - fable about heagle Once upon a time, there were a horse and an eagle which agains all odds really loved each other. A child came from their love, hence heagle was born. However, it was not popular among eagles nor horses as it didn't ressemble any of them. Thus it didn't really belong anywhere and it was devastated. One day, there was a big fire. The eagles flew away into safety. The horses managed to survive the fire but all the grass burnt down. Thenceforth the horses started to die one by one. But not the heagle, it feasted on their flesh. - is global warming caused by people? - yay - nay - volcanoes cause more greenhouse gas emissions than cars - it's a cycle, it's natural - we don't have enough strength to change the climate - the Earth is so old that… - it's a God's plan - futuristic dystopia – heated disagreement (very short conversation, illustrate the chosen word) - reported speech - it is safer to use past tense - we can use present if we are sure those things still apply - tentative - I've been wandering… - I was thinking… - I feel it's a good idea × I'm feeling tired - I see your point × I'm seeing my professor tomorrow - I'll be working till about 8 p.m. – plan - I'll work till about 8 p.m. – decision - describe a society that is taylor made for idlers × strivers - fronting - My reaction was bad, even worse was my colleagues reaction. - Climbing in through the window is very hard, much easier is using the door. - Having no privacy was bad, even worse was having to pay high taxes. - (As) quick as they were, they still couldn't outrun the robot dog. - As communist as the society was, it still wasn't communist enough for Ida Auken. - I don't know where I can go. → Where I can go, I don't know. - How an infinite energy glitch became a thing, I don't know. - The trouble is, the AI guard will not let us leave this room. - The question is, how high the taxes need to be to pay for all the "free" stuff. - conjugate (verb) vs. conjugate (noun) \[…it\] - infer – vyvodit (z dat) - we can infer from the data that… - the data imply that… - use one word from each section - take one of these statements and apply it to matfyz and explain why it is true - or make up our own - It's often better to be in chains than to be free. - It has been estimated that around 90% of Matfyz students are happier than the average person. **And yet** they have only five minutes of free time a day on average. - The data **suggest** the students don't have time to think about being unhappy. - That's because their timetables are deliberately constructed in a way that prevents them from having any free time. - Kofola society - hierarchy: anarchy - function: - money = Kofola - fuel = Kofola - beverage = Kofola - all you need is Kofola - and we read a lot - we put a little bit of poison in the Kofola in order to prevent people from drinking too much Kofola - we organize some Justin Bieber concerts to gain the trust of other people living near us