Stochastic process
Markov process/chain
Transition matrix, diagram
Probability mass function for
Probability of -step transition …
Chapman-Kolmogorov theorem
Accessible states
Communicating states
Markov chain is irreducible if
Time to get to
Reccurent state
Periodic state
Properties of a communicating class
Stationary distribution / steady state distribution
Detailed balance equation
MCMC sampling
Absorbing state
2-SAT problem
Probabilistic method
Bayes theorem
Bayesian statistics – general approach
Bayesian estimates
MAP (maximum a posteriori)
Naive Bayes classifier
LMS point estimate
Beta distribution
Conjugate distributions
Conditional independence
Conditional expectation
Law of iterated expectation
Estimate error
Estimate error covariance and variance
Law of iterated variance / Eve's rule
Really useful approximation
Union bound
Balls and bins model
How many bins are empty?
How many balls are in bin ?
Applications – bucket sort and hasing
(see the lecture)
Max-load likely upper bound
Exact case vs. Poisson case
theorem: any event that happens with probability in the Poisson case happens with probability in the exact case
Max-load likely lower bound
Bernoulli process
Quantities of a Bernoulli process
Alternative description of a Bernoulli process
Merging of Bernoulli processes
Splitting of Bernoulli processes
Poisson process
Poisson process interval independence
Merging of Poisson process
Splitting of Poisson process
Permutation test
Signed test
Wilcoxon signed rank test
Mann-Whitney U-test
Markov inequality
Chebyshev inequality
Chernoff bounds (alternative)
Moment generating function
MGF moment theorem
MGF for Bernoulli variable
MGF for continuous
MGF “linearity” and “sum”
MGF of normal distribution
MGF equality and convergence
Central limit theorem
Chernoff inequality
Set balancing using Chernoff inequality