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Algorithmic Game Theory

Algorithmic Game Theory

game theory

we want to mathematically model the interactions between rational agents

normal-form game … (P,A,u)(P,A,u)


expected payoff

in G=(P,A,u)G=(P,A,u), the expected payoff for player ii of the mixed-strategy profile s=(s1,,sn)s=(s_1,\dots,s_n) is ui(s)=a=(a1,,an)Aui(a)j=1nsj(aj)u_i(s)=\sum_{a=(a_1,\dots,a_n)\in A}u_i(a)\cdot \prod_{j=1}^n s_j(a_j)

linearity of the expected payoff

normal form games – examples

best response of player ii to a strategy profile sis_{-i}

Nash equilibrium


preparations for the proof of Nash's theorem

proof of Nash's theorem

Nash's theorem requires finite numbers of players and actions

consider 2-player game “who guesses larger number wins”

the proof is non-constructive

Pareto optimality

finding Nash equilibria

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