# Pojmy - introduction - symbolic AI - sylogism - utility - knowledge-based agent - control theory - cybernetics - microworld - perceptron - undirected research - expert systems - gartner hype cycle - rational agent - omniscient agent - environment - fully observable - partially observable - deterministic - stochastic - episodic - sequential - static - dynamic - discrete - continuous - multi-agent - cooperative - cooperative - problem solving, search - agent - rational - reflex - simple - model-based - goal-based - state representation - atomic - factored - structured - problem solving agent - environment abstraction - valid - useful - well-defined problem - initial state - transition model - goal test - search - graph-search - tree-search - frontier - uninformed - BFS - DFS - backtracking - uniform-cost search - informed - best-first search - greedy - A* - heuristic function - admissible (přípustná) - consistent/monotone - $h_1$ dominates $h_2$ - constraint satisfaction - forward checking - constraint satisfaction problem - variables - domains - constraints - relation (relace) - constraint arity - feasible solution (přípustné řešení) - complete consistent assignment - constraint modeling - arc consistency - AC-3 - look ahead / constraint propagation / maintaining arc consistency - k-consistency - global constraint - heuristics - variable ordering - fail-first principle - value ordering - succeed-first principle - logical reasoning - CNF - clause - literal - formula - DPLL - pure symbol - unit clause - SAT optimizations - component analysis - variable ordeing - degree heuristic - activity heuristic - random restarts - clever indexing - watched literals - clause learning - knowledge-based agents - knowledge base - tell - ask - inference - model - entailment - $X$ entails $Y$ - resolution rule - Horn clause - forward chaining - data-driven reasoning - backward chaining - goal-driven reasoning - automated planning - fluent - observation model - transition model - effect axioms - frame problem - frame axioms - successor-state axioms - hybrid planner - propositional planning - propositional sentence - SATPlan - precondition axioms - action exclusion axioms - propositional inference - domain-specific heuristics - situation calculus - first-order logic - situations - states - possibility axiom - successor-state axiom - classical planning - factored representation - action schema / operator - name - preconditions - effects - atoms - fluents - rigid atoms - closed world assumption - action - relevant action - regression set - planning problem - domain model - initial state - goal condition - forward/progression planning - backward/regression planning - heuristic - relaxed problem - ignore action preconditions - ignore negative effects - other forms of planning - plan-space - open goals - casual threats - hierarchical - decompose tasks - probabilistic reasoning - uncertainity - partial observability - nondeterminism - logical agent - belief states - contingency plans - probabilistic agent - sample space - conditional/posterior probability - product rule - random variables - full joint probability distribution - marginalization - normalization - independence - enumeration - Bayes' rule - casual direction - diagnostic direction - naive Bayes model - chain rule - Bayesian network - conditional probability distribution - hidden variables - dynamic programming - factors - product of factors - summing out a variable - Monte Carlo - rejection sampling - likelihood weighting - probabilistic reasoning over time - world state - time slices / states - hidden random variables - observable random variables - discrete time - formal model - transition model - Markov assumption - stationary process - sensor/observation model - sensor Markov assumption - basic inference tasks - filtering - prediction - mixing time - smoothing - most likely explanation - Viterbi algorithm - hidden Markov model - matrix implementation - forward messager propagation - backward message propagation - dynamic Bayesian network - unrolling - exact inference - variable elimination - approximate inference - likelihood weighting - decision making - utility - expected utility - maximum expected utility - lottery - preference - normalized utility function - standard lottery - decision network / influence diagram - evidence variables - chance nodes - decision nodes - utility nodes - decision-theoretic expert systems - causal model - qualitative decision model - assign probabilities - assign utilities - verify and refine - sensitivity analysis - Markov decision process - sequence decision problem - observable stochastic environment - Markov transition model - reward - utility function - discount factor - policy - optimal policy - true utility of a state - Bellman equation - nonlinear - value iteration - policy iteration - partially observable Markov decision process - belief states - games and multi-agent systems - simplest games - deterministic - turn taking - two-player - zero-sum - games of perfect information - game tree - minimax - alpha-beta pruning - evaluation function - expected minimax - single-move games - payoff function - optimal strategy - pure strategy - mixed strategy - solution - prisoner's dilemma - testify/defect - refuse/cooperate - Nash equilibrium - Pareto dominated - Pareto optimal outcome - two-finger Morra - maximin - repeated prisoner's dilemma - tit-for-tat - perpetual punishment - mechanism design - bidder - private value - common value - good mechanism - efficient - dominant strategy - English auction - ascending-bid - Dutch auction - descending-bid - sealed-bid auction - sealed-bid second-price auction - Vickrey auction - tragedy of commons - Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism - solved game - machine learning - unsupervised learning - reinforcement learning - supervised learning - hypothesis - hypothesis space - consistent hypothesis - Ockham's razor - classification - regression - decision trees - sequence of tests - divide-and-conquer strategy - entropy - information gain - logic formulation of learning - logical classification - false negative - false positive - curent-best-hypothesis search - least-commitment search - version space - G-set / most general boundary - S-set / most specific boundary - linear models - univariate linear function - multivariate linear function - square loss function - linear regression - analytical approach - gradient descent method - learning rate - linear classification - linear separator - treshold function - perceptron learning rule - logistic treshold function - gradient descent - artificial neural network - connected nodes/units - inputs - activation function - perceptron - sigmoid perceptron - output - weighted directional links - neural network structures - feed-forward network - recurrent network - feed-forward network learning - gradient descent - back-propagation - parametric model - non-parametric model - nearest neighbor models - Minkowski distance - support-vector machine - maximum margin separator - kernel function - learning probabilistic models and reinforcement learning - Bayesian learning - Bayesian networks - parameter learning - maximum-likelihood parameter learning - expectation-maximization algorithm - reinforcement learning - reward/reinforcement - input percept - passive learning - fixed policy - direct utility estimation - expected reward-to-go - running average for each state - adaptive dynamic programming - transition model - rewards - temporal-difference learning - learning rate - model-free method - active leraning - active adaptive dynamic programming agent - greedy agent - exploration - exploitation - exploration policies - Q-learning - temporal-difference learning - off-policy - SARSA - temporal-difference learning - on-policy - philosophical and ethical issues - people - certainity effect - ambiguity aversion - AI - weak - strong - general - narrow - Turing test - Gödel's incompleteness theorem - mind-body problem - dualist theory - monist theory - thought experiments - brain in a vat - brain replacement - Chinese room - trolley problem